IP routing architectures are based on hop-by-hop forwarding paradigm, which
has worked well for almost four decades now. However, in a heterogeneous
environment where satellite-based networks co-exist with terrestrial networks,
a modified routing scheme is necessary. This is because of two reasons,
1) satellite links have low bandwidth and high latency, and 2) satellite-based
networks are usually much more meshy, as against a hierarchical or partial-mesh
topology of terrestrial networks. This calls for tackling issues like a)
reducing routing updates over low-bandwidth satellite link, and b) reducing
convergence time. This paper analyses such issues, which crop up in the
design of a routing scheme for a heterogeneous environment. The basic goal
of this paper is to propose and analyses three routing approaches namely
1) distributed control approach, 2) centralized control approach and 3)
hybrid control approach. The suggested routing approaches are compared
with regards to route convergence time (for distance vector protocols)
and routing traffic overhead (for link state protocols).
Abstract: Way
back in October 1948, an article written by Claude Shannon titled “A Mathematical
Theory of Communication” was published in the Bell Lab Technical Journal.
A landmark event, this article laid the fundamentals of “Information theory”.
In the next five decades or so, the field of information theory has graduated
into a big research area and is now practically known as the “Science of
Compression”. Compression is essentially a means to reduce the number of
bits required to store and transfer information. Compression manifests
itself in the form of data compression, speech compression and image compression
among others. In this paper, we survey the currently available techniques
to compress data. Among the techniques available, two categories are distinctly
identifiable. These two categories are lossless compression and lossy compression.
In this paper, we limit ourselves to lossless data compression techniques.
Abstract: ATM is
a Virtual Circuit based technology and requires establishment of an end-to-end
connection prior to data transfer. This process of connection setup is
done using the procedures of signaling. Both ITU-T and the ATM-Forum provide
standards for this purpose. This paper provides some insight into the ATM
SVC Signaling standards and its implementation. To achieve this end, this
paper is organized as follows. Section 1 provides a brief overview of the
ATM signaling. Section 2 details about the relevant ATM Standards. The
following section talks about the inherent complexities in the ATM standards.
Section 4 provides implementation guidelines for the ATM SVC Signaling
stack. It also provides for a mechanism to handle some of the complexities
mentioned in section 3. Section 5 suggests certain modifications to the
standards to make the implementation simple and efficient. Finally, Section
6 concludes the paper.
Signaling: A White Paper by Sumit Kasera, Anil Sinha, Kuldeep Singh,
and Pitambar Sahoo
communication world is in a state of flux with rapid technological advancements,
both in wireline as well as in wireless domain. In wireline domain, TCP/IP
has become the de-facto networking protocol suite. ATM technology, which
came into existence around a decade back, had to be mostly contented to
live under the shadows of the former. However, certain killer applications
like Voice over DSL and 3G wireless as brought ATM back into prominence.
In order to support these applications, there have been a lot of standardization
efforts by ITU-T and ATM Forum. The AAL2 signaling standard is one of the
steps in this direction. This standard provides the ability to dynamically
establish and release AAL2 channels over existing ATM VCs. This standard
is quite often viewed as an extension of ATM signaling protocol, which
is actually not the case. This white paper clears all doubts on AAL2 signaling.
over ATM with special focum on AAL2 Signaling: A presentation by
Sumit Kasera
Management Mechanism by Amit Jha, Deepak Rathore, and Sumit Kasera
Abstract: Stack entities
require timer services from the Operating System. This service can be for
message retransmission, thread/process synchronization and for various
other time-related services. The goal of this paper is to design an Operating
System Interface in the form of Operating System Wrapper (OSW) between
the Stack entity and the Operating System that can provide the required
timer-related service. The OSW hides the details of underlying Operating
System from calling Stack entity. The Stack entity uses APIs provided by
OSW to use timer facilities of underlying System. This papers covers requirements
of timer module and constraints imposed by the Stack entity. In the appendix,
it discusses how time is maintained on Linux platform. The design for Linux
Implementation is covered. It also contains user manual, which shows sample
implementation timer daemon developed.