Should I Dream?
But when my hopes are belied,
and my dreams start falling apart,
And pain and anguish,
rip my heavy heart.
When the burden of my dreams,
make me choke,
And my body shudders
leaving me broke.
When my mind wanders
in directions plenty
And my brain is rendered useless
like a mass empty.
And I think I will explode
If I reach the brim
Then I ask myself
Should I ever dream….
But when the intense effort
bear the fruits sweet
The challenging past left far behind
Just the beautiful present to greet
And when the clamour of medals
makes me dazed
Like a Narcissist -
savouring his image amazed
When the applaud of the masses,
makes my blood-veins swell,
And transcends me to newer heights,
where only heroes dwell
When the taste of a victory
creates an aura of ecstasy and gleam
Then I tell myself
This is all because I dream….
Chachu (24/11/2000)
Comments invited at s.kasera@mailcity.com